Integration options
No-code solution
CrediPay's no-code solution offers a platform for sellers to extend digital payment terms to buyers, even for offline orders, with zero time spent on integrations. This approach lets sellers create payment links in 15 seconds by inputting order specifics, including item details, total amount, shipping address, and payment due date.
This solution is ideal for sellers who want to offer their buyers flexible payment terms without needing a full-scale integration.
If you're interested in learning more about CrediPay's No-code solution and how it can benefit your business, please reach out to us at [email protected] or visit our website at for more information or to book a demo. We look forward to hearing from you!
API integration solution
CrediPay's API integration solution enables platforms to integrate with the CrediPay API directly. It allows platforms to incorporate CrediPay's offering directly into their own technology platform, ensuring a consistent and immersive user experience that feels entirely native to the platform.
Where to start?
Read the Authentication page to understand how you can get access to CrediPay
Read the Quickstart guide for a quick guide on how to integrate CrediPay's API into your platform.
Read the API Reference to learn the different endpoints and methods available.
Updated 9 months ago